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I Pulse and Plectrum Contest "Carlos Montero" in Santorcaz

On May 11, 2019, the Association was invited by the Santorcaz Pulse and Plectrum Association to participate in the 1st "Carlos Montero" Pulse and Plectrum Contest, which was held in the Santorcaz multipurpose hall (Madrid).

The sponsoring orchestra and the Rondalla de Corpa participated with us.
Videos of the Sponsoring Orchestra's performance are shown on this page, as well as our own performance and a short joint performance.

ABalanguía Orchestra performance

Actuación Orquesta de Pulso y Púa Trullén-Huarte

Actuación AMPP Calle del Barquillo

ABalanguía Orchestra performance

Actuación Orquesta de Pulso y Púa Trullén-Huarte

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